
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Solar System Research

My science focus in my classroom right now is learning about the solar system.
My class used the picture dictionary tool on Enchanted Learning to practice research skills.

The picture dictionary is set up in alphabetical order and for larger categories of letters , like "S", have subheadings similar to guide words to narrow ones search options.

My students had search questions to research like you see below:

 Here's a sample screen for looking up the answer to Question 1, which is the solar system.
First, students would click on the letter S and then on the subcategory So to search for the answer of solar system.

Each heading is also clickable to read and research further about a topic

This is the expanded information for solar system

This tools hit science, technology, research skills and dictionary practice all in one.

Hope you might find it useful too!

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