
Monday, July 8, 2013

Interactive Notebook Organization

I'm going to try my hand with more interactive notebooking this coming school year.
I figured out this handy way to organize the many Common Core clip prompts I plan to utilize.
I cut apart each standard prompt and paper clipped them together as a set. 
Then, I labeled each corner of a sleeve protector with a Sharpie like this: RL 1, RL 2, RL 3 and so on.
All the standard prompts are then put in the matching sleeve.
I figured this system would help save me time.  I'll simply pass them out with an appropriate lesson and have students glue them into their response notebooks.

Find more great ideas on my Pinterest page or TPT store

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Backyard Delights

I get to enjoy my yard, work and all, during the summer.
My backyard is a 1/2 acre. Over spring break I cut down some palms that were breaking my planters.
I replaced them with a Crape Myrtle tree which is now blooming.
Look at those pretty watermelon blooms.
I'm still battling the asparagus fern sprouts that keep popping up which I also removed from the planter. I'm avoiding the need to clean up the dead blooms of my Bird of Paradise. I'll wait to do that on a cooler day.

Wild rabbits love my backyard too.
I came back from walking Harley yesterday and saw these two eating steps away from my patio.
Harley isn't fast enough to catch the grown ones, but last summer he did corner and kill a few babies :(
And yuck, Harley loves to eat the rabbit poop all over the lawn when I don't watch him.

Find more great ideas on my Pinterest page or TPT store

Monday, July 1, 2013

Common Core Standards Organizer

A couple of weeks ago I shared my Common Core Focus Wall.
To organize all the standards cards I am using this accordion file organizer from the Target Dollar Spot.
On each tab I've labeled the standard and strand or domain it fits in.
This will make for easy switch out of cards on my focus wall.

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