
Monday, June 10, 2013

Common Core Focus Wall

I'm beginning to see a pattern to my projects this summer...All things Common Core.
Last week I shared my file organization. This week I'm showing you my standard focus wall.
My grade level is still easing into the full standards, but this next year I'm going to start displaying the learning targets for Common Core.
I bought One Extra Degree's Focus Wall sets  and laminated them. I also laminated black backing paper to attach to my white boards. Then the nifty part to this project is using Stikki Clips. These little clips stick easily to anything and can be repositioned and reused. But the best part is that I can easily pull off one standard to display another one for day to day lessons. Here's part of my Focus Wall display. This is my house sliding glass door, but you get the idea of how it will look on my whiteboard once I get back into my classroom.

Here are the Stikki Clips I used to hold the standard cards.

Another thing made, but tons more on my To Do List.

Find more great ideas on my Pinterest page or TPT store


  1. I love how it looks! I definitely am adding stikki clips to my back to school shopping list :)

  2. Love this! Might make it part of my PD in August for my teachers! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm with ya! All things CC. I'll be working on my CC wall later this summer and posting about it. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. Those look great, I also love the sticky clips.

  5. This looks great, Denise. I am struggling with how to display so much information. This makes the process much clearer. Thanks for the idea!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade


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