
Monday, May 27, 2013

My Best Laid Plans for Next Year

I've been on summer vacation for 5 days and am already thinking about next school year.
Kim at Joy in 6th grade is hosting a fun linky perfect for reflecting.
My top 3 wishes inside and outside the classroom are:

Yay for me, I've walked every day since school got out which makes my dog Harley happy!
Why can't I stick with it when school starts?  I MUST stick with it next year.

Find more great ideas on my Pinterest page or TPT store


  1. Great goals! I need to stick with exercising the whole year too. It was one of my goals too:) So glad I found your blog through the linky party.

  2. Next year, when I start to slip in my exercise schedule I'll reread my goals in this post :)

  3. These are great goals for next year! I want to exercise more during the school year too, but it's hard when I fall asleep on the sofa at 8:00! Enjoy your summer!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. Hope you are enjoying your summer! Walking is becoming a priority for me also - or at least some movement. My girls and I like "Just Dance 3" on the wii. I look like an idiot but it's a great workout!

    From Mrs. Allen's Teaching Files


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