
Monday, February 18, 2013

Test Prep Activities

Randy Sauer has written a testing theme song called Rock This Test.
So has Dallas Thompson's 5th graders. Links are below for both songs.
I'm adding them to my bag of testing tricks.
Standardized testing in my district will be in April. It's creeping up quickly.
I reinforce testing skills from week one of the school year though as part of my regular teaching.

Catchy rhymes and hints stick with my students when I use my Test Tip Posters.

Also, the week prior to testing I send home a healthy snack donation letter to parents so I can pass out brain friendly treats in between testing sessions.

On the first day of testing week I also give this Smart Cookie motivational note to each student

Click picture to grab this FREEBIE

Another staple for test prep in my class is this "Grade the Teacher" activity.
It is so versatile and engaging and can be used for any subject. Students get to "grade" the teacher's work, which is purposely filled with errors for them to find. It's great for an exit ticket and error analysis. Plus, students don't even realize they are doing ALL the work by correcting and reteaching the teacher! 

You might want to revisit an older post of mine with a cute read aloud idea:
The Biggest Test in the Universe

How do you prepare for standardized testing?
Share your wisdom

Click picture to view poster set


  1. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog...I had to come check yours out! I am your newest follower. Lots of great stuff!

    In Maine, students take the NECAP tests, which are given at the beginning of October, (a crazy time if you ask me!) In theory, they test content learned the previous year. In reality, we spend September doing lots of test prep. It definitely isn't how I would prefer to begin my year. I think the NECAPS are on their way out in another year or so, to be replaced by the Smarter Balanced Assessment which will be given in the spring. I've heard that one is more rigorous and will be aligned more closely with the Common Core.

  2. So cute! I'm totally using the "smart cookie" this year. We've done tons of activities with oreos, so it's perfect! Also, thanks for sharing your old post again. I just finished watching the video on United Streaming. We'll be watching this next month before our big writing test and making our plan for survival! :)At testing time we play lots and lots of games for review! ZAP is always my favorite!

    5th Grade Rocks, 5th Grade Rules


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