
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity

With common core standards and 21st century learning comes the necessity for the 4 C's
Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.
This wonderful video by Fablevision Studios encompasses these skills.

How are you planning to help your students go Above and Beyond?

On a personal note, my niece had to complete some service hours for her government class and I kept her busy with teacher stuff.  She came over one Saturday and laminated, cut, cut , cut, laminated, cut, cut, cut.  We practiced the 4 C's together. We had a little trouble on the communication part, as she tuned me out by either watching I Love Lucy on TV, or CONSTANTLY checking her Iphone.
I told her I should not have given her my guest Wifi password, LOL.
She did share with me this way COOL video of one of my fav tunes.
The original song is by Goyte "Somebody That I Used to Know"
But this Cover Band, Walk Off the Earth,  took the song to a whole new level, AND uses the 4'Cs of
collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.
They share ONE guitar to perform the song. 
What do you think?
Stop by and visit



  1. Love the 4' c's. It was definitely my classroom motto this past school year and will be for the future. Love the video by walk off the earth. They are awesome and definitely capture the 4C's. Love your post!

  2. Love them both! I have shared the Above and Beyond with many others, too! It is a great video in support of differentiation!

  3. Wow!! I love that song too! This is amazing!!!!

  4. I LOVE that cover song! The guy with the beard has my favorite part! They even make "beard guy" shirts in honor of him :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  5. Love that cover video and love the song! I think it definitely applies to the 4 C's. :)

    Live, Laugh, Love, Teach

  6. Perfect post for the brand new school where I will be teaching!!

    Will share with my teaching buddies!!

  7. Loved this video!! What a great way to show what can be achieved when you work together! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Hey Denise! I wanted to let you know that I am adding your blog to my list of WBT blogs that I have posted on my website! If you would like to check it out my blog address is

    If any information needs to be changed or if you would like to be removed from the list let me know!

    Best wishes :)


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