
Thursday, January 5, 2012

One Little Word Calendars

Thanks to Oh Boy 4th Grade I learned about Ali Edwards concept of One Little Word.
My word for this year is:


Having chosen my word, now I'm starting to embrace it.
First I changed my Blogger profile picture to my OLW

Then I made a "Believe" themed 2012 calendar

You can make your own One Little Word calendar too. Click {HERE}.

Do you have a word for 2012? How are you embracing it?

Have you entered my Starbuck's giveaway? Go {HERE}


  1. I love this idea!! My church does something very similar - on the first Sunday of each new year, a collection plate is passed around the congregation and each person takes a paper star from the plate. On the star is one word, your word for the new year! :) Love the calendar idea, great way to keep your word in mind.

    Learn, Laugh, Grow

  2. LOVING the calendar idea!!! Did you see the blogger who did this with her class and made a Wordle to post? So many creative ideas.


  3. I love the calendar idea! That is a great way to make sure you are always embracing your word!

  4. Such a great idea. I'm going to have to check this one word business out. I've seen it all over the place in the blog world. But your calender has inspired me.

  5. I love these calendars! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. great idea
    I love your calendar
    and thanks so much for the shout out

  7. oooooooooo I love this idea!!! I have my word and I'm off to make myself a calendar!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop


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