
Friday, November 18, 2011

Tongue Twisters...A Twist of Fun!

Today we had a "Twist of Fun"! My students presented tongue twisters.
I assigned each student a tongue twister to practice at home, copy, illustrate, and color.
Then the tongue tying fun began!

Here are some samples:
You can get this project file {HERE}
It includes a direction cover, writing paper and a list of 33 tongue twisters.

Four furious friends fought for the phone

Does the shop stock socks with spots?

I saw a saw that could outsaw any other saw I ever saw.


  1. These look great! Just bought them!

  2. How fun!!! Love it!!! I'm terrible with these - I could barely read them correctly!! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. Kristin,
    I'm right there with you...that's why I let the kids have all the fun. I'd here them rattling off their tongue twisters as we walked in line.


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