
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Traditions and Patricia Polacco Author Study

My class loved reading Patricia Polacco's The Keeping Quilt the past two weeks. It's such a special story about the importance of family and traditions. Students completed their own family tradition quilt square too and were proud to share a piece of their heritage.

After reading The Keeping Quilt, I read aloud some of her other books: Babushka's Doll, Some BirthdayChicken Sunday, Thunder Cake and the most touching of the bunch, The Junkyard Wonders                      

To show our appreciation for her talent as a wonderfully inspiring author students wrote thank you letters to Patricia Polacco today.  

My class was "Over the Top" excited when we received a letter in return from Patricia Polacco.
There's no better way to bring letter writing to life than this!

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  1. I was excited to find this post! Patricia Polacco is my very favorite children's book author! I can't wait to use her literature in my future classroom! Great activity for the Keeping Quilt!


  2. love the tradition activity! just saw you find me through the link up and now i have found you! katie @ encouraging patience


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