
Monday, June 13, 2011

Word Clouds on ABCya

Wordle seems to be the most familiar word cloud generator that many teachers use in the classroom.
I've used it in many ways. My third graders this year did parts of speech clouds for nouns, verbs and adjectives and for Open House each student did a descriptive cloud of themselves. I only wished there was an option to save and print the Wordle files easily. So I was very happily surprised when I was browsing the site ABCya mentioned here.  ABCya has a more kid friendly word cloud builder that allows saving and printing. I think I've found a new love for my word cloud projects. Font choices are more limited on the ABCya site than on Wordle, but the pay off is the saving and printing is quick and easy. Give it a try and share what you think! Here's my sample:


  1. This is a neat program. I could see my using it enough to pay for the subscription. Thanks for sharing.

  2. With Wordle you can save by going to 'print' and choose pdf. If you don't have a pdf creator check out's free! I love wordle...we made Mother's day wordles & I made one for our principal...everyone wrote down 5 words they associated with him. All turned out great!
    Thanks, Nancy

    The Apple Basket Teacher

  3. Thanks Nancy. I can use Wordle easily at home on my Mac because I can save to PDF. At school I'm still limited in using Wordle because we don't have a save to PDF option. Also my district will not allow us to load any software on district computers so I can't use CutePDF.

  4. I've been meaning to try something like this. It seems like there are endless possibilities!

    Thank you!
    A Whole Brain Teacher


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