
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Classroom Computer Management

I have 3 classroom computers and always found students would clamor to grab one.
I'd see them hovering around just waiting to be next. Sound familiar?  It drove me crazy. This past year I introduced my "Computer Wait List" notepad and it was a lifesaver.  What are ways you deal with computer use management in your classroom. I'd love to hear your ideas.


  1. I have 5 computers and 20 some students. I have each student assigned to a computer and they work through in order. To keep it fair, on Monday the first person starts, Tuesday the second, etc. That way if we run out of time the same person doesn't get left out every time. It worked really well. I did it that way in 3 different classes of students.

  2. As I am planning on my students keeping literary blog this year, this has really been on my mind. I like the idea of assigning times to the computers, and my try something like you have above.

    However, I have some kids with special needs who need time on the computer who need more time on the computer during independent reading time for Tumblebooks or other online reading experiences. I will not forbid anyone from an occasional experience with Tumblebooks, but for some of my needier learners, they need more time with it.

    Any ideas for this problem? I only have two computers in the room. Maybe I will try a signup similar to what you are talking about.

  3. I co-taught 36 1st graders and we only had 2 computers. We decided to color code our computers. We had a red group and an orange group. We typed out a list of students (we use the label template for spacing) per group and children are required to pick the child who is next on the list. We printed out our lists on red and orange paper, put them in sheet protectors and clipped them to 2 clipboards. We have a clip (clothespin) that we have the kids clip next to the name of who would go next. With our using the color coding system we were able to differentiate the activities the kids did on the computer and be able to have kids work at different speeds according to their needs. Hope this makes sense- if you have questions, please email me

    Primary Connections

  4. 1 more thought- we also used a sign up sheet as above but on a whiteboard that we ducktaped to the back of a shelf near the computer. We made a grid using perm marker and they need to write their name. One side is for AR Test (computer) and the other side is Media (going to library to return and select a new book) They get a bigger space to write their name but I don't have to keep making the grid when they erase. We have rules to go with this as well...

    Primary Connections

  5. You have so many great ideas on your blog! Thank you for sharing so much. I too have problems with my class sharing only 2 computers.

    I think I will try using a list next year too. I know it will help a lot to have a plan from the beginning!

    A Whole Brain Teacher

  6. Thanks for all the great ideas about this!

  7. Thanks everyone for all your wonderful ideas.

  8. Great Comments! It sounds like most of us have the same problem... only having 2nd computers! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas!

  9. I like the idea of a wait list. I have 2 classroom computers. I use a rotation schedule to get everyone a chance. I have two cheap photo albums (one for each computer) that sit on a stand that you would use to display a plate. The students rotate by flipping to the next picture in the album (which includes the student's login and password). They tap the student who is next in the album until everyone has had their turn. The last person brings the album to me. I use the computers primarily for Words Their Way activities on Spelling City but also as a homework reward. Next year I will have 4 computers so I hope that I can get even more accomplished. I'm going to try out your wait list for publishing on the computer.


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